Past Conferences

This page lists information about past Bridges conferences. Each year includes a link to the main website for that year’s conference, which contains information about that year’s venue, speakers, events, program, and submission process. You will also find direct links to other archived information about that’s year’s conference, including papers, artworks, short films, poetry, post-conference reports, and contributed photo galleries.

Past Proceedings books can be purchased through MathArtFun. On that site, click on “Books”, then on “Bridges Conference”.

In some lucky years, Douglas Norton has performed at Informal Music Night. He typically prepares some piano music, substituting his own superb lyrics related to that year’s conference. We invite you to peruse his lyrics.

Bridges Halifax 2024

Richmond, Virginia, USA, 1–5 August 2024

The conference

Bridges Halifax 2023

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 27–31 July 2023

The conference

Bridges Aalto 2022

Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, 1–5 August 2022

The conference
Photos and videos

Bridges 2021

Online, 2–3 August 2021

The conference
Reports and media

Bridges Linz 2019

Linz, Austria, 16–20 July 2019

The conference

Bridges Waterloo 2017

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 27–31 July 2017

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Baltimore 2015

Baltimore, USA, 29 July–02 August 2015

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Towson 2012

Towson, USA, 25–29 July 2012

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Coimbra 2011

Coimbra, Portugal, 27–31 July 2011

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Pécs 2010

Pécs, Hungary, 24–28 July 2010

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2009: Renaissance Banff II

Banff, Canada, 26–30 July 2009

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Leeuwarden 2008

Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, 24–29 July 2008

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges Donostia 2007

San Sebastián, Spain, 24–27 July 2007

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges London 2006

London, UK, 4–9 August 2006

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2005: Renaissance Banff

Banff, Canada, 31 July–3 August 2005

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2004

Winfield, USA, 30 July–1 August 2004

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2003: Meeting Alhambra

Granada, Spain, 23–26 July 2003

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2002

Towson, USA, 27–30 July 2002

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2001

Winfield, USA, 27–29 July 2001

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 2000

Winfield, USA, 28–30 July 2000

The conference
Photos and videos
Reports and media

Bridges 1999

Winfield, USA, 30 July–1 August 1999

The conference
Photos and videos

Bridges 1998

Winfield, USA, 28–30 July 1998

The conference