Chair: David Swart
Submission deadline: 01 March 2025 (anywhere on Earth)
Like a regular paper, a short paper reports on a creative and/or research endeavor at the intersection of mathematics and art. We consider the arts to include fine arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, fiber arts, jewelry, etc.), performing arts (music, dance, theater, juggling, magic, etc.), language arts (literature, poetry, wordplay, etc.), cultural arts (cinema, fashion, etc.), and applied arts (architecture, design, mechanical puzzles, culinary art, etc.).
Short papers are 2 or 4 pages in length. A short paper need not make a contribution as significant as a regular paper; a short paper can describe a work-in-progress or a smaller project. A short paper can also serve as an extended abstract for a more significant article published elsewhere. Each short paper author is given a 15-minute slot in the conference program, during which time the author is expected to give a 10 minute presentation and answer questions.
Occasionally, a submission to the regular papers category that reviewers decide doesn’t make a sufficient contribution will be offered acceptance, in revised form, as a short paper instead.
The other rules for regular papers apply here as well: at least one author must attend the conference, and register by June 1. Each participant may be the primary author and presenter for only one conference paper. Short papers use the same formatting guidelines and submission process as regular papers.
We will publish all papers in the online Bridges Archive before the beginning of the conference. Therefore, there is a tight and firm schedule:
- Initial submission: 01 March 2025
- Author notification: 15 April 2025
- Final manuscript submission: 30 April 2025
If you have any questions regarding short papers, please contact the chair at