We’d like to thank the organizations that are supporting Bridges 2023. Please read about them below.

Students within the Faculty of Architecture and Planning benefit from learning in a collaborative environment with a strong hands-on approach from faculty members who are leaders in accessibility design, clean transportation, intelligent building material development, and designing a cleaner future.
Located in Nova Scotia and surrounded by ocean with 3,000 miles of coastline, the Faculty of Architecture and Planning is based on Sexton Campus which is in the downtown core of Halifax, Canada’s second fastest growing city. Faculty resources available for student training include, computer labs, digital media workshops, fabrication facilities, and a wood shop. These spaces provide innovative and immersive education experiences and foster vibrant co-op programming opportunities, which are amongst the most established in the country.

The mission of AARMS is to strengthen research and education in the mathematical sciences, with special focus on Atlantic Canada. AARMS fosters scientific collaborations, both within the Atlantic mathematical community, and with colleagues across Canada and beyond. AARMS provides outstanding educational opportunities, in order to build expertise and attract talent to the region. In addition, AARMS supports initiatives that raise interest and competence in mathematics among the public in general, and school children in particular. Through its activities, AARMS aims to promote scholarly excellence, and to maintain a strong and vibrant mathematical research community in Atlantic Canada.

The Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) is one of the most important mathematics research centres in the world. Founded in 1968 at the Université de Montréal, the CRM brings together the mathematical strengths of Quebec and other Canadian universities and organizes activities involving mathematicians from all over the world. The CRM is a global hub for the mathematical sciences. The dual structure on which the CRM is built — a demanding world-class programming alongside thirteen high-performance research laboratories — is unique in Canada. The CRM’s scientific staff includes some 250 regular members and welcomes more than 80 postdoctoral fellows and a large number of visiting scholars into its laboratories each year. In addition, the thematic programs, schools and other scientific meetings attract more than 2000 participants per year to the CRM. The activities of the CRM and its laboratories play an important role in the training of young researchers and, as a privileged place for high-level scientific meetings, the CRM makes a major contribution to the advancement of international research collaborations in the mathematical sciences.

Founded in 1992, the Fields Institute was initially located at the University of Waterloo. Since 1995, it has occupied a purpose-built building on the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto. The Institute is internationally renowned for strengthening collaboration, innovation, and learning in mathematics and across a broad range of disciplines. Annual programming includes a full slate of long- and short-term events, such as specialized, six-month-long thematic programs, multi-day workshops and conferences, public lectures, recurring seminars, outreach activities, and start-up incubation. The Fields Institute promotes mathematical activity in Canada, helps to expand the application of mathematics in modern society, and makes mathematics accessible and engaging for all audiences.

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is a consortium established by universities in western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. Our mandate is to promote research in the mathematical sciences and their applications, to facilitate the training of highly qualified personnel, to create an equitable, diverse and inclusive community, to enrich public awareness of and education in the mathematical sciences, and to create mathematical partnerships with similar organizations in other countries (with a particular focus on the Pacific Rim). PIMS funds Research Networks, Collaborative Research Groups, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, seminars and other individual events on a competitive basis.