Mathematics・Art ・Music・Architecture・Culture
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 27–31 July 2023
In 2023 we are holding the Bridges conference at the Sexton Campus of Dalhousie University, which is located in Nova Scotia, also known as Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq’.
If you’re planning to attend Bridges 2023, then be sure to register. Then plan your travel and accommodations. A full program is available; tickets are required for the optional excursion. If you want a printed copy of the Proceedings, Art Exhibition Catalog, or Poetry Anthology, they can be purchased online.
Please read the various calls for submissions to find out how to contribute to the conference, and for information about the deadlines in various submission categories. Have a look at our exciting invited speakers. Students might be interested in information about our travel scholarship. If you’re planning to join us at the conference, you can view the conference program, register, and purchase tickets for the optional excursion. Thank you to our sponsors for supporting this year’s conference.